Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Spirit Within

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down,and without walls." 
  ~Proverbs 25:28

"Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne shall be established in righteousness."
  ~ Proverbs 25:5


Tonight  while reading my Bible and spending some time with God I found some wisdom that others may have already come across, but I came across it in a different way and it really enlightened me so I'm gonna share! :)

The scripture above (from the KJV Bible, of course) is what really stuck out to me while reading Chapter 25 in the wisdom-filled book of Proverbs. 

I've been letting to many distractions get in the way recently of how I love and serve God and so I took advantage of the quiet time at home tonight and just read one chapter, hoping to find how to, at least, feel like I'm serving God right. Does anybody else just have something (talent, hobby, etc,...) that you know can be useful to and for God if you let Him take control of your spirit but your spirit keeps gettiung in the way and you keep pushing God out thinking you can better your life yourself without His help? Of course, I'm not assuming anyone will admit that. I have trouble admitting I wanna serve myself before God a lot of times. It's a pride thing, ya know.

 I came across these verses and I'm gonna share what came to my mind when I read them.
I can't control my own spirit by myself so in order to control it I must let God have control over it.
Everytime my spirit is uncontrolled and out of God's word I end up feeling depressed and dirty inside and I don't have walls up to protect me from getting or feeling like that because I can't fix that feel on my own no matter how hard I've tried.  When my spirit and heart is bare without me excepting God's help to keep the protective walls up around them then Satan gets his way and starts telling me I'm worthless and don't deserve forgiveness. It's true I don't deserve forgiveness but Hell. But worthy or not Jesus showed me forgiveness and mercy and I can come before Him time and time again and ask Him to help me and to heal and make me feel like I'm worth something after all. I can come before Him as His child - His princess!!!

I'm not as worthless as I think I am! If Jesus sees me as a treasure no matter how far I've let my spirit wander then I must be a pretty priceless treasure! <3

Last but not least, I learned that I need to take away the distractions until I can control them, because even if they can be beneficial, they aren't unless I give them completely over to God and use them for Him!

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