Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How You See

How do you know what you're really seeing is what everybody else sees?
What if the colors you see are different from mine?
If I said the sky was green you would probably look at me like I was having issues, but what if it really is green and you and I see it differently? What if your green is my blue and your blue is a entirely different shade to me?
You say "How then do we both describe it the same way?"
The explanation, of course, would have to be that when you see blue it's just that! - Blue. But when I see green it automatically registers in my brain as green and translates itself through as blue because I'm not able to explain to you how I'm seeing one thing and you the other. The average human mind cannot comprehend change to the point of not believing something different from what it sees. I am only giving colors as an example. There are many more instances where this is most definitely the case but individuals who can actually be sure they believe this is true and don't question it anymore then they question the everyday happenings of the average life.
This really isn't something to be taken lightly because one day we may discover that the difference of one person's vision could come to be a lifesaver for an entire nation or maybe even an entire universe.
If you have ever found this to be true it is suggested by those who have studied further into it that you keep it confidential and try to mature this ability until it is no longer in question whether or when it's usable.
Always remember, just because you see something one way doesn't mean everybody else sees it that way.

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